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CIS 3381- Cooperative Education Experiences



Class Hours 
Lab Hours 
Important Dates
Web Conferencing
Academic Honesty & Ethics 
Tentative Schedule 
Lab Schedule 
Assignment Submission  Schedule







In this course students take directed study in CS  to integrate their academic course program with work in the field.  The course is directed by a CS faculty member and supervised by the student's work supervisor.  The aim is to integrate classroom and work experience. The gained hand-on work experience helps students decide which area of the IT field is of more interest to them so they can choose the elective courses for the remaining time in school. It also improves their chances to get a better job upon graduation.

It is a 4 credit hours course. There are no formal lectures. The work students perform must be directly related to the CS field. Students  prepare bi-weekly writ-ten reports covering the work they performed and present and discuss the reports with their faculty coordinator.  At the end of the semester students write a final report covering the work of the semester.

The course utilizes Temple's web conferencing, BlackBoard where messages are posted by the instructor. You will need a separate password to access it. To get to BlackBoard  click here.

For general information about the CIS Department click on:


 Instructor:  Jie Wu
Office hours:  Tuesday 3:00pm - 5:00pm or by appointment
Phone Number:  (215) 204-8450
Office:  Room 302, Wachman Hall
WebBoard:  Temple's BlackBoard (
Lab Instructor:  N/A    |
Office:                        | 
Office Hours:   
Phone Number  
E-Mail:     | 

Class Hours  

 By appointment Bi-Weekly   
To be assigned individually             

Lab Hours 


Junior /Senior Standing
f you are registered for this course, but do not meet the pre-requisite, contact the instructor immediately.  Students who have not completed the pre-requisites will not be awarded a grade for this course.


There are no exams in this course. The final grade is based on :
1. The verbal and written progress report during the meetings with the faculty adviser.   
       Late submissions, unless permitted, will not be accepted. Skipping a meeting
       without prior notification will affect the grade  

  2. The quality of the final report. Detailed instructions will be provided.

Note: In the summer semester, the face-to-face meetings may be replaced by e-mail communication.

Assignments & Quizzes
No assignments nor quizzes.

No lab work .


Each student works on a project assigned to him/her by the employer. Projects must be computing related and can cover various topics such as: basic software systems design and implementation, applications development, web design, network services, graphics, robotics, visualization, hardware installation/repair, help desk

Grading Scale

Grading is expected to be on the following scale:

95+          A
90-94       A-
87-89      B+
83-86         B
80-82          B-
77-79          C+
73-76        C
70-72        C-
67-69         D+
63-66         D
60-62         D-
0-60            F

This is just a guideline, the final grading may slightly differ from this scale.
NOTE: The minimum passing grade for the course is "C". 

Important Dates 
Students should regularly visit the course website and the course web conferencing site at for all announcements.  Important dates can be found on the Temple University Academic Calendar.

Attendance (excluding during the summer session) is expected, and may be recorded from time to time.  Absences for legitimate professional activities and illnesses are acceptable only if prior notice is given to the instructor by e-mail or phone.  Scheduling conflicts with your work, extra-curricular activities, or any other such activities is not a valid excuse.  Also, review Temple University attendance policy at  Although attendance is not a specific part of the course evaluation it has a direct effect on class participation.  If you are not in class you cannot participate. 

Attendance and class participation will be taken into account in final grading, namely, the 'Others' portion of the grade . Class participation means that you attend class regularly and have completed your assigned readings.  It means that you ask relevant questions and make informed comments in class. 

Web Conferencing 
We use a web conferencing tool:  Temple's Black Board for outside class interaction. You will need to get a password from Computer Services to log on to this site.  The site can be used as a message board and also as a discussion forum where you may post comments/questions about the course.

Please note that this forum is strictly for discussion on the course content, and assignments. All matters of class policy should be addressed directly to the instructor. I do not expect to moderate the forum, however I will intervene if I feel the need to redirect the focus back on the course.

There are no exams in this course.  

Academic Honesty & Ethics
Temple University, the school, the department and I expect you to observe the highest ethical standards. Simply put, we count on you to do the right thing. You are expected to always do your own work. When working in the lab, on your assignments or the team project you may consult others or you study as a group but always submit your own original work.  All violations of academic honesty will be handled according to university policy.  

Disability Disclosure
Any student who has a need for accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact me privately to discuss the specific situation as soon as possible. Student must provide me with a note from the office of Disability Resources and Services at in 100 Ritter Annex, 215-204-1280, regarding their disability. 

Lab Schedule 
 There are no labs n this course

Assignment Submission Schedule (Tentative)

Date Due   








Last day of class Submit Final Report

Last Updated
Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2013